Keniichi wrote:
Can someone please tell me why Kimberly the Pink Ranger was and is so popular though amongst people(especially boys)? I find her slightly annoying at times...
People like her because she was the white female character and got more attention than the yellow ranger (who tragically died in a car accident some years back) and of course the prime demographic
for MMPR were young pre-pubescent boys. So for many she was like a first celebrity crush and for the girls who did watch she was a "strong" female character to look up to but she really wasn't that great. All I can remember is her getting in trouble, being boring and acting like a stereotypical girl.
Her Japanese counterpart in Zyuranger is MUCH more badass and cuter to boot. A big weakness of MMPR is that aside from Tommy and Jason everyone else kinda sucks, Zack is the black guy, Billy is the shy yet genius geek, Trini is the asian girl, and Kimberly is the white chick who worries about her nail polish and hair. They are all cardboard cutout characters met to fill token slots while I found myself liking all of the Zyurangers. They had more individuality as characters. Its funny how different the tone of the shows are given that they were marketed to the same age group, speaks more for the cultures I guess. In Zyuranger people died, one of the rangers was a pervert who would try glancing up pink's skirt (and he would get smacked by her) and Bandora(Rita) was a mourning mother who wanted revenge for her dead son. MMPR was cheesy as hell in comparison, even if I did love the show as a 7 year old.
Thanks. I do like the Japanese versions of MMPR better however I have yetto find subtitles for everyone of them!!!T.T