pawelk1986 wrote:
The Eugenic Wars
By the way, I wonder what you think about genetic engineering and bio-engineering.
In Star Trek the development of these sciences is condemned
Mostly because of the note in your first line. They forbade genetic engineering of humans in the wake of Khan and his ilk, and the wars they fought in their belief in their innate superiority; it was expanded to all sapient species after Soong's experiment with augmenting Klingons.
I'm not really sure they were down on bioengineering
in toto, though - there's no telling, because they could just make things with the replicators, so if they had bioengineered foodstuffs, you'd never know.
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.