jimservo wrote:
I was allowed to watch it, which isn't the same as saying I would like to watch it (at least anymore).
I don't really see anything wrong with a 15-year old watching the Simpsons (or Family Guy, or South Park for that matter). Yes, I think it generally it (the Simpson's, not South Park) has a liberal slant, but, hey, that's fine.
I have to admit there was a time when the Simpsons was somewhat controversial, and I would probably guess that the show has gotten somewhat more vulgar rather then less. However, in the end I think the question of whether an eight year old should be watching the Simpsons is different then whether a fifteen year old should be able to watch it.
I mean, kids got to grow up at some point. But that's just my opinion.
actually the simpsons has stayed about the same and really hasn't done anything new in terms of controversy or vulgarity.
/been watching the simspson religiously for well over 10 years now