Dillogic wrote:
Lucas put it that citizens eventually started being inducted into the positions the clones took up, as the clones aged in dog years. With the near unlimited recruits possible, they'd have no reason to continue purchasing the expensive clones (the cloners probably wouldn't have stood for doing it free). So, you'd have various colored humans depending on what planet they came from.
Am I the only one who finds the bolding problematic? I've seen the suggestion that Lando Calrissian and Mace Windu were from different planets respectively, that were both home to primarily dark-skinned humans. But then you have planets like Naboo, which obviously feature ethnic diversity in their human populations, so a Black Stormtrooper might as well be from Naboo.
But that's not all too relevant if the character in question isn't a Stormtrooper at all, but a main protagonist in disguise:

Finally, here's John Boyega's reaction to the criticism of his character's appearance in the trailer:
clarity of thought before rashness of action