Magna wrote:
ironpony wrote:
I guess it's one of those so bad that it's good movies, with writing and acting that's so bad that it's good, but were the filmmakers intending it to be a movie like that?
I didn't see it like that.
Napoleon was an imaginative young man living in his own world and trying to deal the best he could with a world that was harsh to him.
All the other main characters had difficulties they were struggling with in their own way: Uncle Rico, Kip, Deb, Pedro.
In the end though, all of the characters' situations changed for the better. Rather than being devoid of happiness as seemed to be the case through most of the movie, at the end their lives were hopeful.
I liked it.
Oh yeah, I'm not saying that the story didn't make sense or anything, there was a story for sure. It's just the actual writing, like the dialogue and how the characters acted was very weird I mean.
Like for example, the wedding scene, the people getting married had no emotion about it literally, and the way they sang to each other was just very strange.
Or why doesn't the main character open his eyes all the way, and that's never explained. Things like that make it so bad that's good in a way, but not sure if that is what they intended and couldn't figure out what was going through the filmmakers heads with things like that. I wasn't referring to the story though, just all these little things here and there.