Characters I'm like
-Eddard Stark from 'A Game of Thrones' by George R.R. Martin. Someone who clings to his ideals and pays a nasty price for it.
-Jon Snow from the same book. A compassionate misfit
-Doctor Morgenes from 'Memory, Sorrow and Thorn' by Tad Williams.
The typical scholarly eccentric
-Morpheus from 'The Matrix'. In otherwords, I'm kind of weird, but I'm also helpful and know a lot. Actually, Neo and Agent Smith both sum me up pretty well too. I'm not sure which one I'm most like.
-Obi Wan Kenobi from 'Star Wars'. Wise and helpful
-Albus Dumbledore, for the same reason as the above.
-Gandalf from 'Lord of the Rings', for the same reasons as the above.
-Brom from 'Eragon'. For the same reasons as the above.
-The Wizard of Oz. Pretentious, but compassionate.
-Sora from .hack//sign. Really, really annoying guy who's fond of dramatic entries and exits.