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16 Sep 2005, 3:06 pm

Tim_p wrote:
For NES games you turn the control 90 degrees counter clockwise, I have no idea how SNES, N64 and GCN games will work.

Their's slots for Gamecube controllers. I'd prefer the Gamecube controller over this new one for NES ports. I was thinking they could have a wireless version of all the old controllers just for use on this new console. Knowing Nintendo (and how they like to make money), they might actually do that. Or they could just improve this new one.



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16 Sep 2005, 3:24 pm

TheBladeRoden wrote:
Look and listen then quit yer bitchen.

So we can attach extra pieces? And how much well that cost?



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16 Sep 2005, 6:37 pm

eamonn wrote:
Nintendo are yesterdays news when it comes to home consoles anyway. Im sure a lot of people are looking forward to them stopping with the home consoles and making their games for the playstation.

I thought you were opposed to mega corporations? If Sony is the only video game system maker then they will be a monopoly, and that is bad.

Besides, it isn't going to happen. Iwata said the day Nintendo stops making consoles is the day they stop making video games.


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16 Sep 2005, 6:47 pm

Psychlone wrote:

I thought you were opposed to mega corporations? If Sony is the only video game system maker then they will be a monopoly, and that is bad.

Besides, it isn't going to happen. Iwata said the day Nintendo stops making consoles is the day they stop making video games.

Yes i would rather competition but i like games also and dont really care to buy a system that isnt supported by the games companies . I remember Sega saying something along the lines of them always making home systems but look what happened to them. I dont believe Iwata, when the Revoution flops big time they will still do the things they are a sucess at. Making console games and handheld systems aimed at kids.

Its a good thing Bill Gates threw his hat into the ring or Sony would have the monopoly on games consoles.


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16 Sep 2005, 6:57 pm

But the difference was Sega made alot of mistakes by coming out with their 32X and then not supporting it by coming out with Saturn not much later. Sega was also strapped for cash and was losing money.

Nintendo has not lost money, and has made a profit every quarter except one time about a year ago but they've been making a profit and that's all that matters. You don't have to be the market leader to stay in business as long as you are profitable, and Nintendo is profitable. Sega and Atari were not profitable and that was why they failed.


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16 Sep 2005, 7:03 pm

Ah but the Gamecube isnt profitable and i have the suspicion that the Revolution will bomb. How long are the shareholders willing to put up with them flogging a dead horse?

I hope im wrong of course because Nintendo will be the cheapest option. Im not happy with the likely price of the Playstion and the price of games for it and 360. Hopefully Ninty will dump the silly controller, win third party support and become a sucess but i doubt it.


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16 Sep 2005, 9:41 pm

They still make buckets of money from the handheld systems and they own the rights to pokemon and a bunch of card stuff. Plus they have billions in the bank so even if the revolution flops they can still pull through for a few more generations.

But again, the thing is they are making a profit. Sony and Microsoft are actually losing money with every system they sell, but Nintendo makes a profit. This is because Nintendo just focuses on games and doesn't try to bundle in dvd players and everything else. The PS3 and Xbox 360 are more like personal computers than traditional consoles and cost alot as a result.

But time will tell... I'm glad Nintendo is trying something different while the competition rehashes the same old stuff.


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17 Sep 2005, 12:33 am

I think the bottom line is that the Revolution will either cause a major resurgence for Nintendo, or cause them to collapse. I'd say the latter is more likely. And this is coming from someone who has owned all four of Nintendo's consoles, and none of the other companies' (though I always wanted a Genesis).


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17 Sep 2005, 8:34 am

Psychlone wrote:

But time will tell... I'm glad Nintendo is trying something different while the competition rehashes the same old stuff.

That's because they couldnt afford to keep up with Sony and the big M so they come up with a budget option instead with less of everything.


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17 Sep 2005, 1:13 pm

eamonn wrote:
That's because they couldnt afford to keep up with Sony and the big M so they come up with a budget option instead with less of everything.

I don't know what you're talking about there, Nintendo is doing very well financally.

The more I think about this controller the more I like it, especially now that they've announced the more traditional shell. All they need now is to announce an FPS on the scale of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark and I'll be more than content.


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17 Sep 2005, 1:23 pm

Tim_p wrote:

I don't know what you're talking about there, Nintendo is doing very well financally.

Yes they are doing well but arent anywhere near as rich as Sony or Microsoft so cant afford to spend as much in the console war, especially on home consoles that arent selling anywhere near as well as those produced by they're rivals.

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17 Sep 2005, 6:56 pm

It seems that Sony and Xbox's solution to advancing games system each generation are prettier graphics. Excuse me, but I just do not give a flying ---- about the Xbox 360. Besides Oblivion, it has nothing else I want. And as a hopeful game developer its going to be a nightmare. It just means that I will have to spend more hours putting out a nicer-looking model because the ADD generation demands prettier things over gameplay. Yay!

Say what you will about Nintendo. Everyone laughs at them each generation, but they dont seem to show any problems over ripping off their ideas and claiming it as their own. The game industry needs Nintendo, even if it isnt a success. The fact is, Nintendo is what keeps the console-gaming scene 'fresh' and w/o them it would have died out of staleness long ago.

The Revolution controller is a bloody awesome idea and anyone who cant see the possibilities to it need to roll up their blinders and take a harder look.

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17 Sep 2005, 7:08 pm

Sounds like the Nintendo fanboys cant handle the fact that Nintendo arent important anymore. When they had the consoles with the best graphics they were quick to show it off but now that they cant compete on that front they kid on its all about deepness and revolutionary


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17 Sep 2005, 7:11 pm

But you have to admit that if something isn't done it'll just be a graphics war from here on out, and that would suck.



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17 Sep 2005, 7:17 pm

Im happy with the way the controllers are with the playstation and want better graphics but if one of the companies come up with something truly revolutionary that would be good also. Actually i think Microsoft and Sony are more "revolutionary" with their machines with alots of ideas though I do like the fact that Ninty are keeping it simple instead of adding too many features though i think they would have been wise to make it come with a DVD player. I dont like that controller though and think the masses will also be sceptical.


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17 Sep 2005, 7:27 pm

What is so revolutionary about PS3 and Xbox 360 aside from a miniscule improvement in graphics? To tell you the truth I'd rather have good gameplay than good graphics.

And by the way, the Playstation controller is ripped off from Nintendo. The analog sticks were first invented for the N64 and $ony ripped off that and tacked them onto their PS1 controller (which was already a rip off of the SNES controller, btw).

Anything that is great about video games was invented by Nintendo and then ripped off by other companies. This is no different. You'll see M$ and $ony ripping this idea off as well...