Yes, yes, and yes! I get this, as someone else said, not only about films but also pieces of music and a few books. The earth moved for me while watching :
American Beauty ( the plastic bag in the wind)
Braveheart ( the first huge battle after his girlfriend is killed, and the moment when realise that Robert the Bruce has betrayed him)
Mulholland Drive ( All of it, but esp. when she drops the key to the little blue box, and the song "silencio")
Dancer in the Dark
The Princess Bride ( "My name is Inigo Mantoya, You killed my father, prepare to die", obviously! )
Ladyhawke ( when he is escaping right at the start, and dodging the soldiers etc)
Desperately Seeking Susan
The Wall ( several moments)
Groundhog Day ( when he throws himself off the building as an umpteenth suicide attempt)
Les Visiteurs ( the music, and all the bourgeoise house scenes) and Clockwise, which make me laugh so much I feel almost transported, elsewhere with jubilation and lightness.
Dumb and Dumber ( when Carrey says he's had enough of "getting by")
The Prince of Darkness ( when the black guy whose throat is cut/neck is broken approaches along the corridor crying and chuckling all at once)
The War of the Worlds ( the alien vehicule emerges from the ground)
Batman Returns ( when catwoman throws out her fluffy toys)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind ( when he is struggling to build the shape of the mountain that he is obsessed about without realising why, and sees the mountain on the TV)
Brazil ( almost all of the first two thirds, but esp. the moment the outlaw plumber vanishes in a river of wind blown newspapers)
The Company of Wolves ( when the wolves enter the house at the end, but a few other moments too)
Peter Pan ( 2006 )
Pulp Fiction ( Uma dancing before she takes the overdose)
The Hours ( Julianne Moore is making the cake with her little boy. He says, "It's alright, mommy, it's not that difficult". )
"Safe" by Todd Haynes ( most of it)
Excalibur ( when the knights ride out through the apple orchard in flower after the grail is found, to Carl Orff's Carmina Burrana, and the moment that Galahad gets the grail on the drawbridge, to the music of "Faith, hope, charity" by Wagner from the Percival Overture).
The Fly ( when he is putting the sugar in his coffee. )
For a Few Dollars More
Capricorn One ( this is old. I don't remember too well, but I know I was very moved)
And there's a few others I can't remember right now.

Last edited by ouinon on 24 May 2008, 5:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.