Icheb wrote:
I think they should make a DS9/Voyager crossover movie where the Borg attack the Dominion. Janeway and Seven of Nine could be called in by the DS9 crew as experts on the Borg.
Yeah. Assimilate Weyoun! hehe. (Only joshing)
The Borg already made incursions into Dominion territory in one of the post-DS9 books - "Lesser Evil" I do believe. It was kind of interesting (although not as good as the one that came before...)
A DS9 / Voy. crossover movie would be good, as DS9 is super wikkid and the best Trek series ever. But I don't think it's ever likely to happen even though some of the actors have said they would be interested.
But yeah this isn't really "new" news that they're revamping the original characters.
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