shadowboxer wrote:
Ironically for all that the film has to recommend it, Blade Runner did not do all that well at the Box Office. Sadly, it seems that the public would rather shell out their cash to see a movie with a driving soundtrack & top notch special effects. I like to watch a movie that tells a story or has a message. I hate it when I spend $20 in the theater & walk out wondering what the hell I just saw.
I remember when it was first released. It was at the same time a big blockbuster was released (which one I can't remember) and so it got pushed to the background. I remember thinking after I had seen it that it was a shame that such a great film was going to be passed over because of this. I was wrong thankfully, the film is a classic. I liked the director's cut better, the voice over didn't do it for me. The scene with Roy Batty on the rooftop with Deckhard before he "dies" is fabulous. Gives me goosebumps every time. My thoughts on Phillip K. Dick is that he's not the greatest writer stylistically, but the content of his work supersedes that.