Cyberman wrote:
My favorite female villains: The Rani and Lady Peinforte from Doctor Who, Harley Quinn from Batman, and Queen Mab from Merlin.
Yes, the Rani was a great villain, as was Lady Peinforte; it was a pity that we did not get to see more of them. Hopefully at least the Rani will return; she was in some ways potentially more interesting than the Master (the interaction between them in "The Mark of the Rani," was classic)
Queen Mab from Merlin was also a magnificent villain, completely overshadowing
I would add Jadis from the Chronicles of Narnia (she has probably already been nominated) the Lady of the Green Kirtle/Queen of Underland from The Silver Chair in the same series; Morgan le Fay, Ashka from Spellbinders, "Milady" (My Lady Clarice de Winter/Anne de Broeuil [sic]) from Three Musqueteers, Xeyide from The Neverending Story.
I must confess that, in addition to the attraction of physical beauty and admiration for intellectual prowess, I am almost equally drawn to moral extremes of immaculate virtue and unregenerate evil as well as the ambiguity of the middle.
You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."
Last edited by AlexandertheSolitary on 01 Dec 2008, 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.