Season 1
A polar bear running lose on a tropical island?
The radio recording has been going for 16 years???
Locke was in a wheelchair but for some reason isn't any more
Jack's dead father is running around the island?
Hurley's numbers are engraved on the hatch!
The hatch lights up!
Its the others on the rescue boat!
Season 2
Shannon sees "Creepy Wet Walt"
There's an ordinary dude living in the hatch, and Jack knows him!
The hatch has all sorts of magnetism going on - oh, and its been sealed with concrete much like a melted-down nuclear reactor
The hatch implosion registers in Penny's remote artic science station. Yes, there is still a world off the Island!
Henry Gale isn't Henry Gale!
Walt(?) communicates with Michael on the hatch computer ("Dad?")
Michael shoots Anna Lucia, Libby, and then himself!
There are gigantic four toed statues on the Island
The hatch button is pretty darned real, after all.
Season 3
Otherville = Alcatraz
Locke's dad shoves him out a window
Locke's dad shows up bound and gagged on the island
Locke's dad turns out to be Sawyer
Locke meets Jacob, raging technophobe quasi-god
Sawyer takes cold blooded vengeance on Tom
Richard Alpert shows up in Ben's childhood flashbacks, looking not a day younger than he does today, thank you very much
Ben shoots Locke
Not Penny's boat
Locke Knifes Naomi
Its Future Jack! "We have to go back, Kate! We have to go back!"
Season 4
Sayid is working for Ben???
Dead, collar equipped polar bear carcasses found in Tunisian desert
Flight 815 "found" at the bottom of the ocean
"I've got a man on their boat!" (and its Michael, but then who didn't see that coming?)
Faraday's clock-equipped rocket experiment yields some very interesting results
Richard shows up at Locke's birth, and then later to test Locke
Ben and Widmore have rules, and poor Alex paid the price when the rules changed.
Ben summons Old Smokey!
Jacob is... Christian Shephard? And he wants Locke to move the Island.
Jeremy Betham (RIP) is really Locke
Season 5 (so far)
Faraday helped excavate the Orchid?
Ben knows Ms. Hawking?
There is a buh on the Island. No, not a buh, a bomb. As in h-bomb.
Oh, and there's also a younger Charles Widmore on the Island too....