hale_bopp wrote:
Archmage wrote:
I've got my Zelda shirt on

It is brown, with the words "Olde School" on the front in orange and a picture of First Genesis Link (Link as he looked in the very first Zelda)
You have a zelda shirt? That's so cool!! !! !! !!!11 what other cool zelda merchandice do they have where you live?
I live in Memphis, Tennessee, in the southeastern part of the USA. And i got this shirt from a Kohl's (a department store, we've got tons, like JC Penney's, Dillard's, Goldsmith-Macy's, etc.) down the street. they some times sell shirts with witty sayings, like "People like you are the reason people like me take medication", or with characters/logos from movies/TV/video games. The majority of Zelda merchandise can be found at GameStop. This is a special store where you can sell used games, consoles, guides, and copyrighted merchandise for store credit to buy other games, consoles, guides, and copryrighted merchandise. I once saw an action figure of Goron Link from Majora's Mask there. But i usually save my money for the games themselves. Gotta go. Sayonara!
Here we are, goin' far,
to save all that we love,
if we give all we got,
we will make it through,
Here we are, like a star,
shining bright on the world,
Today... Make evil go away!
"Code Lyoko" Theme