Kuraudo777 wrote:
Are you watching them out of order? Which Next Gen episode is your favourite so far?
I watched the episodes on Season 2 Disc 2 first because the Blu-ray disc had a mark on it and I wanted to see if it would play. Then I went back to the start of Season 1 and now I'm watching them in the order they're on the Blu-ray sets. It's hard to tell what the correct order is for
Star Trek because they were aired out of order, but they seem to be in airdate order on the Blu-ray sets and that's how I'm watching them.
Favorite episode so far is maybe "The Schizoid Man," where an old doctor uploads his consciousness to Data. "Encounter at Farpoint" is pretty nice, too. Q is a fascinating character and I'm glad to see that he returns in future episodes.