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love twilight or hate twilight?
love 12%  12%  [ 9 ]
hate 68%  68%  [ 50 ] 19%  19%  [ 14 ]
Total votes : 73


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20 Mar 2010, 7:03 pm

I thought the first movie was just another piece of romantic drivvle, until I heard it featured vampires, so I gave it a chance. It was bearable until we were shown Edward's "true form". The "skin of a killer" does not sparkle.
Bella's "investigation" or "google search" to discover the Cullens' nature was nauseating. Really, in the years the Cullens lived in that town, no one had noticed what Bella saw in the first few days? Are you effing kidding me?

Makes me rage.


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20 Mar 2010, 7:45 pm

Vampires used to be a way for people to express and vent their fears, insecurities and explore taboos. Now all they do is push abstinence on teenagers, justify abusive relationships and suggest that in order to make any real difference in this world/in order to be strong is to become more than human (i.e, be a vampire, be saved by God, etc etc). At least that's what Twilight would have you believe.

I honestly tried my hardest to give it a chance. I read the first book and I was so disgusted by it; I don't understand why people are so crazy about it. It glorifes abusive relationships and creates a lie about how good relationships actually work. I certainly wouldn't want my boyfriend (supernatural or otherwise) to break into my home and watch me when I sleep. I mean, the psycho wrecks Bella's car and keeps her hostage to make sure that she doesn't see her vastly more supportive friend, Jacob.

And while we are on the subject of Jacob- WTF? One minute, he's way better than Edward and actually has substance and next minute he's a freaking pedophile!

One part that really offended me was a bit when Edward compares his bloodlust to alcoholism. This wouldn't have been so bad if he didn't say " If you locked an alcoholic in a room full of stale beer, he'd gladly drink it. But he could resist, if he was a recovering alcoholic. Now let's saw you placed in that room a glass of hundred-year-old brandy, the rarest, finest cognac-and filled the room with its warm aroma-how do you think he would fare then?"

No- an alcoholic isn't going to be picky about it. Even if they are a recovering alcoholic, they'll still be just as tempted to drink the stale beer as they would the fancy beverage because it's an ADDICTION. That is one tiny example of how badly researched these books were.

I've been recently watching "True Blood" and it's actually a billion times better. I mean, Bill can be an as*hole but at least Sookie actually stand's up to him and he's actually humbled by her (unlike Edward who is controlling and patronising) and the vampires are real vampires (which means that they don't f*****g sparkle) and the themes and issues are a lot more interesting and relevent than in Twilight.

I could write a series of novels about why Twilight sucks, really...


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20 Mar 2010, 9:40 pm

Lecks wrote:

Funny and true.

EDIT: I am currently reading the movie companion, because that it probably the best way to read Twilight: second-hand. It's not too bad, considering. The movie companion, I mean. It is far more interesting than the actual novel, anyway.

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21 Mar 2010, 5:25 am

I think it says a lot about the book of Twilight when I found reading the official movie companion more interesting than reading the original novel. Not a spectacular making-of book, but moderately interesting. The link below is to my book-reading blog, where the Twilight movie companion is the 26th book to be read and reviewed by me in the past little while. ... t=#2688376

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21 Mar 2010, 8:45 am

Hate the whole franchise and its fangirls.

_________________ play amidst the Strangeness and Charm.


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26 Mar 2010, 12:28 pm

I neither love, nor hate. I'm a fan of things paranormal in general. This isn't my favourite vampire series, but I'm not going to rag on it either. I think the movies were well acted, but the story could have been better - it was restricted as it was written by a mormon. I agree with those of you who said the fans are what is scary... sheep who were one moment signing petitions to stop the main actor from taking the lead part, to the next shaking his limo in the parking lot at appearances. Next year they'll all be "adoring" some other poor kid. Those Twi-moms are disturbing... and people say Edward's character is sick because he's hitting on a human 17-year -old... at least he's still tech 17.


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30 Mar 2010, 7:17 am

Vampires. Should. Not. f*****g. Sparkle!

Simple as that.

Twilight has ruined the genre, maybe beyond repair.

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30 Mar 2010, 7:23 am

Gifted-Monster wrote:
Twilight has ruined the genre, maybe beyond repair.

No. But unfortunately, Twilight had inspired every haemophage maniac to come out of the woodwork.

And it seems that Doctor Who is about to cash in with the Vampires in Venice episode. C'mon, Curse of Fenric was the best vampire-related Doctor Who story...

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30 Mar 2010, 7:33 am

Alucard= Vampire
Edward= Fairy ... =486&h=566

That says it beautifully.

"We will not capitulate - no, never! We may be destroyed, but if we are, we shall drag a world with us - a world in flames."
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30 Mar 2010, 3:34 pm

Am I allowed to change my mind... I actually don't like it anymore... The first one was watchable but for gods sake she's with a flaming WEREWOLF!! ! What's going to be in the third movie a leprechaun?

Bella: Oh Paddy I admire your Oirish charm

Leprechaun: Oh kiss me... kiss my sparkling leprechaun skin!! !

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30 Mar 2010, 6:16 pm

Gifted-Monster wrote:
Vampires. Should. Not. f***ing. Sparkle!

Simple as that.

Twilight has ruined the genre, maybe beyond repair.

Well... not everyone seems to agree on the sparkle thing... millions of books sold... The author was happy with it, that's all that really mattered. Nobody forced anyone to read her books or watch the movies.

Anything that gets people reading can't be all that bad.


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30 Mar 2010, 6:20 pm

Jellybean wrote:
Am I allowed to change my mind... I actually don't like it anymore... The first one was watchable but for gods sake she's with a flaming WEREWOLF!! ! What's going to be in the third movie a leprechaun?

Bella: Oh Paddy I admire your Oirish charm

Leprechaun: Oh kiss me... kiss my sparkling leprechaun skin!! !

If you read Artemis Fowl, you wouldn't diss leprechauns...because humans got the name wrong. It's LEPrecon. Think a special forces group that can kick some serious derriere, until they meet Artemis Fowl.

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30 Mar 2010, 8:49 pm

Considering this is my desktop at work, guess:



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30 Mar 2010, 9:50 pm

I have to admit, the movies are kind of a guilty pleasure of mine. I know they're stupid but they have a sort of awkward, goofy charm for me. My husband refuses to watch them with me though. :D


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31 Mar 2010, 6:44 am

DNForrest wrote:
Considering this is my desktop at work, guess:



Now, that is one bad-ass Muppet.

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06 Apr 2010, 7:19 pm

I'd love to see another pic of The Count
beating the crap out of Edward Cullen, or hell with it, Jacob.

The next movie, Eclipse, is set for release for this 4th of July weekend,
the same weekend The Last Airbender will be released.

If you can be convincing enough, tell everyone you can think of
to NOT SEE the new movie come 4th of July weekend.
Depending on where you are, release dates may be different
from the US and Canada.

Also, I have to admit, I hate the books/movies to a T,
but I find Stephanie Meyer to be very hot.

I will now keep my mouth shut.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!