Zeek wrote:
Harry Potter any day. First lets compare the plot.
Harry Potter was interesting, contained humor, and there wasn't the issue of running from "I love you but I'm too self-hating to give you ultimate power, instead I'll just bang you as an old lady" to "I want you to marry me and then I'll turn you into one of us". Edward was a horrible boyfriend, a stalker and selfish as far as I'm concerned. Harry was a nice guy who fought to save all his friends, no matter how battle-worn he became. Twilight Vampires are ultra-powerful and too hard to kill. Voldemort was hard to kill but nowhere near as hard in comparison, more realistic.
The movies.
The actors in Twilight portrayed the characters poorly, especially Edward as being the emotionless twit. By the end of Twilight I was nearly tearing my hair out (only reason I watched it was because my family bought it for $30). Never watched any sequels. Harry Potter I've seen all of and all have had interesting plots (except for number 7, that one was more focused on action but still high quality.
The Books.
With the exception of New Moon, Twilight was not a bad series. I enjoyed a lot of it but wouldn't read them again. Harry Potter was at least 10 times more interesting of course and had a captivating plot that, even though I'd seen the movies, made me want to read the books.
Love HP movies and books, like Twilight books and want to smash their movies beneath my foot and burn the pieces.
100% agreed Old Sport my favorite HP books are 6 and 7 though
WP Strident Atheist
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