I don't write fanfiction, but I read it quite a bit. I don't think reading or writing it is anything to be ashamed about, really... even if you're not creating your own characters and settings, it's still writing, and therefore good practice.
I'm not into 'shipping' (for the most part...), and therefore slash/femmeslash doesn't really interest me... though I have nothing against the concept, and I'll read anything if it's well-written. I tend to stay away from porn, though, especially gratuitous porn… so if it’s on the citrus scale, I’m probably not interested.
Mel wrote:
stjimmy2500 wrote:
sam and frodo are not Gay!! !
You can see how people would get that idea from the films though- Sam is always 'making eyes' at Frodo.
And I distinctly remember him admiring a naked Frodo at one point in the books. But that's neither here nor there...
Young_fogey wrote:
'make-believe TV characters having sex, written by people who don't'.
You hit the nail on the head, I believe.
pakled wrote:
For the absolute worst of the worst, I direct your attention to 'the Godawful Fanfic' web site..
I've been reading that site since I was about twelve, which, considering some of the stuff that gets posted there, is a rather horrifying thought.
"eeeep!" says the insane chibling.
And then. . .
It attacks.
(P.S. Ze opéra ghost wants ?is paycheck.)