rocklobster wrote:
Actually, there are some sci-fi out there with corrupt governments: Fahrenheit 451, 1984, Brave New World...
Star Wars, V For Vendetta, pretty much all Gundam shows, Evangelion (I mean, come on, conscripting kids for the front line???? not corrupt, as such, maybe, but still certainly deserves a mention), Starship Troopers (only military personnel/veterans get to vote - again, not corrupt as such, but certainly deserves a mention), the Battle Royale films (do they count, being so soon into the future?), Cowboy Bebop (as far as I can tell u never get a decent look at the goverment, but if the police force is anything to go by then its crawling with corruption), I could go on for awhile...
If someone is exposed to space vaccum their heads explode. ie. Total Recall.
Actually, in real life, the whole body (or, all the bits that are exposed to vacuum anyway) would explode.
Spaceships explode in space. ie. Star Wars.
HOMG! Dont u think space is the most appropriate place for spaceships to do anything (including explode) anyway?
Whenever Aliens invade the world, it always revolves around America and never sees whatever happens to other countries and if it does it just sees one of their famous buildings explode.
Robotech - landed in the Pacific. Halo - landed in Australia.
Chronicles of the Universe: Sons of Earth Volume 1 - Bounty Hunter now at 98 pages! Ill update this sig when it gets published.
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