invaderhorizongreen wrote:
I like one called the prisoner it is a bit of a old British show, super bizarre but fun to watch.
OOOOHHH! Me too!! I'll tell you a story that happened to me back around 1978 or so...
I don't remember the eXACT year but they were doing the United states census and I hired on as an "Enumerator"
I attended all the Enumerator training sessions wearing my black liesure jacket with the white pinstriping, tan trousers and deck shoes WITH the Village badge! I love to cosplay! Well... NOBODY noticed!! Nobody. And the Prisoner was playing around that time on PBS! Well... when I finished training, I was set loose on our neighborhood with my blue "U.S. Census Enumerator" kit, forms and so on. I wore my Village outfit when I went out on my route. NOBODY noticed!
Until ONE fateful day! I knocked on a door and the woman in the house pulled the door curtain to one side and saw me standing on her step... She froze! And then.... the following conversation happened, through the glass of the window...
Woman: "WHAT... do you WANT?!"
Me: "....*!*... Information!"
W. "Whose side are you on?!"
Me: "That would be *telling*! ! We WANT information!"
W. "You won't get it!"
Me: "By hook or by crook... we WILL!"
W. "Who are you?!"
Me: I am the New Number Two!"
W. "Who is Number ONE?!"
Me: You are Number Six!"
W. "I am not a number! I am a free woman!!"
She finally opened the door and we had a wonderful laugh and she did answer all the census questions. She MADE my whole DAY! I've never forgotten it.