Twilightprincess wrote:
I’ve been in the mood to watch episodes of Star Trek The Next Generation.
I find it comforting.
I saw some of the cartoon of Star Trek, and a little bit of ToS when I was little, but other than that, I was never really into Star Trek at all.
Years ago, I think when I was between jobs, they would show TNG on UPN I think, late at night, and I started watching it before bed (4AM), and I was really starting to enjoy it.
Started watching ToS a few years back on Netflix, but I always get distracted by the amount of shows they have (and what I've got on DVD), and I start getting into some other show...and then
that show gets swapped for something else...etc. etc.
There are so many shows I would like to catch up on, but it was so much easier back when we had TV, and you were basically "force fed" (figuratively speaking) whatever was on at that time. And most shows intentionally avoided continuity, so if you missed episodes, it didn't really matter.
RainbowUnion wrote:
ST is a brilliant creation that was successful in spite of, and not because of, its creator.
Sounds like Gary Gygax and Dungeons & Dragons...
I love the man, but he definitely had a lot of big ideas, and a lot of "feature creep", and (from what I've read) not a lot of people to tell him to keep things concise, or keep things in order. Later in his life, when he would DM, he would return to those original three Little Brown Books. Simplicity.
Also George Lucas too... I'm thinking Gygax may have been on the spectrum.