tom wrote:
You can't say Graphic Novels anymore, its not pretentious enough. you have to say Periodical Visual Narrative.
LOL... i've read a few Sandman TPBs*, the one that i liked best was "a Game Of You" IIRC, but IMO Gaiman isn't
quite on the level of Alan Moore or Grant Morrison... i think i like him best when he is most strongly influenced by them (the early Sandman stuff was fairly heavily influenced by Swamp Thing and Hellblazer, IIRC)...
i can't understand how *any* serious comics fan could hate Moore's Swamp Thing... IMO it's possibly the greatest and most inventive single author run on a relatively "mainstream" comic ever, and it kicked off the intelligent/subversive era of comics which produced Gaiman, Morrison, Ennis, etc (and created the Vertigo imprint which features most of the best of their work)... tho i guess you might not like it if you're not into the environmental or metaphysical subtexts...
aside: Tom, i see u live in Coventry... do u know Larry Arnold (aka Laurentius Rex) and/or Coventry & Warwickshire Neurodiversity Group?
i'm a fairly frequent visitor to the Forbidden Planet in Coventry, when i have any money...
*strictly speaking, they're TPBs (trade paperbacks) if they're collected from issues of an original series and published in book form, and graphic novels if they were written/published as a single book without having been individual monthly comics... but the terms tend to get used interchangeably...