Roxas_XIII wrote:
My dad any I watch this... It's funny because I can relate, I used to be a little like this, but then I matured a little. But still, its an EPIC WIN.
MY favorite episode was the one where they built a replica of the H.G. Wells's time machine. Sheldon falls asleep and dreams he is in the year 809716 (or whatever year was in the book) and is attacked by Morlocks. He wakes up, and one of the other guys is there, telling him he hired movers to get rid of the time machine. Then the movers come in, and they are also Morlocks... and then he wakes up again, having dreamt that he woke up before he woke up.
... that was the last part of the last episode, it is funny.
I like the shirts with "Hungry Morlock" on the back.
To eliminate poverty, you have to eliminate at least three things: time, the bell curve and the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Have fun.