DoubleSPY wrote:
RW665 wrote:
DoubleSPY wrote:
you know, I don't know why but a lot of people hate Derpy's voice. Well all I can say to that, if that's the case for the latest episode being a disappointment, is at least we finally got what we all wanted.
Well, not what
everyone wanted. While I personally loved the episode and Derpy, some people have found her "offensive". Some of the offended people have even taken to sending in emails to the writers and the writers have had to apologize. There's a argument going on over at the equestria forums.
This upset me, so I sent my own email to one of the writers thanking them for a great show and she sent me back a nice email thanking me for the support.
I think they just find her offensive cause "Derpy" was the fan name we gave her, so my guess is when they said her name some of us felt like our ideas got stolen... well if I recall correctly from other bronies. But they actually took the last round-up off of I-tunes and all the Derpy mechindies was banned for about a week. Well the good news is, is that this whole thing with Derpy is finally cleared up (I think) all they need to do is put the episode back up on I-tunes.
I, of course, don't know what the reason was for every individual that got offended. But, the reason I did hear from some people, especially from the Equestria forums was that they thought she was being portrayed as mentally handicapped and that it was a very negative portrayal, although I never saw it that way.
Some people's theories about why the episode was taken off of i-tunes was that Hasbro had taken it down because now that Derpy was named, they had to trademark it. I haven't really heard or looked up anything else on the matter.
But I'm glad this whole thing is starting to subside. Let's just enjoy the awesome show!