Il gabbiano [original title: The Seagull] (1977) / IMDb / DVD / R0 - Italy - RHV
Front cover of DVD:
Back cover of DVD:
This is an Italian adaptation of the play The Seagull, by Anton Chehkov, which premiered in Russia in 1896 and is generally considered to be the first of his four major plays. I didn't know anything about these plays before I had watched the film - this is literally my first foray into Chehkov. For my part, I found it all pretty dull and uninteresting, with characters that bored and annoyed me in equal measure. I could see what they were trying to do, but it still bored the crap out of me. Bad subtitling (probably not helped by an even poorer translation) probably did not help matters. Having said that, the woman who plays Irina the actress, Pamela Villoresi, is sort of easy on the eye. The DVD itself is quite grainy and has some nasty artifacts, one of which is the hair-in-the-gate one and the other one, I can't quite describe - it's sort of like floating raindrops on the screen! As this is an extremely talky film (which i believe was probably made for television - check out the 4:3 aspect ratio), good English subtitles are essential and I don't believe that these are anywhere near up to the job as I suspect that a lot of the dialogue is in fact missing from the subtitles, and what is here isn't well-translated. As for the DVD, extras run to two interviews with the director Marco Bellocchio, film editor Silvano Agosti and a screen test for Il gabbiano by Tina Aumont, who was an American actress. It was obviously unsuccessful, as she is not in the film itself. None of the extras are subtitled in English. Oh, and included in the DVD case is a small booklet containing a short essay about the film. I can't speak Italian though so again, it's useless to me.