Brainfre3ze_93 wrote:
KyleTheGhost wrote:
Yakko: "Uh. . ."
(We go up an escalator. Wakko turns around and walks against the escalator)
Wakko: "Hey, mine's not working."
Yakko: "Middle Kid Syndrome."
(I grab Wakko and we get off the escalator on the next floor. Two women block our way carrying pencil and paper)
Women: "Would you like to take a survey?"
Wakko: "Okay."
Women: " Do you like Beans? " * nods *
Do you like George Went ? * nods *
Do you eat beans, while watching movies?
Me: " How long is this survey going to take? "
Me: "I don't know."
Woman 1: "Do you eat beans at George Went movies?"
Woman 2: "How many bean-eating movies have you seen with George Went?"
Dot: "Uh, it's not that we don't want to take your survey. . ."
Yakko: "It's more like we rather have dental surgery."
(Yakko and Dot kiss the survey ladies)
(We move off and go up another escalator)
Woman 1: "Wait! We're not finished!"
Woman 2: "You'll have to start over now!
Wakko: "That was kind of fun."
Yakko: "Yeah, like waiting in line at the DMV."
Me: "So what do we get Dr. Scratchansniff?"
I am Ashley. My pronouns are she/her.