Judge Dredd (1995)
Dredd (2012)
Watching these two movies back to back, the most surprising discovery is that they have opposite strengths and weaknesses.
Judge Dredd does a very good job of capturing the scope and character of Mega-City One, and the design and art direction are amazing, while
Dredd gives us a drab and uninteresting interpretation of the city. They just shot footage of Johannesburg and added a few CGI buildings, and it shows. On the other hand,
Dredd gets the character of Judge Dredd right, while
Judge Dredd gets him so very wrong. Everyone complains about how he takes off the helmet, something he never does in the comics, but that's not really the problem. The problem is that the script turns Dredd into a generic action hero, the kind whose hard demeanor is "redeemed" by the end and who gets to kiss the pretty girl. The movie often feels more like
Demolition Man II than a legitimate Judge Dredd adaptation, and it's easier to enjoy if you treat it as such. Still,
Dredd is the overall better film. Despite my disdain for the bland art direction, getting the character right is more important, and the action scenes are done with a lot more creativity and craftsmanship.
hmm I'm not sure about the footage being shot in Johannesburg. The whole thing seemed to have been shot right outside of my office. The kombi crash seen, the "bergie" that got squashed. The guy that fell from the high level. All was right outside of my office, with a lot of copy/paste going on. I'm in Cape Town btw. I was there outside the day when they lifted the ambulance to be on that platform. You see this ambulance right at the end of the movie.