Kitty4670 wrote:
Stardust_Dragonfly wrote:
Kitty4670 wrote:
Once Upon a Time
The Dick Van Dyke Show from the early 60s
I loved Once Upon a Time so much.
Another OUAT fan
The show is on Netflix, I have it DVDs too, I need to buy season 5 & 6, I DON’T LIKE season 7.
In the UK it went off-air for a while, so I was only able to finish it on Netflix. I think seasons 3 and 4 were my favourites
. I'm conflicted about season 7- it was like they more or less introduced a whole new cast, which took a while to get used to, then on the last episode almost none of the new cast were in it- it was all the old ones... Just as I'd gotten used to the new ones!
Kitty4670 wrote:
Stardust_Dragonfly wrote:
I'm watching Manifest and Reign
I watched Manifest, I love that show, I watch it cuz of Josh Dallas
I've not finished it yet but am really enjoying it! I didn't know he was in it at first so it was like "hey, that's prince charming!"