ruveyn wrote:
Laconvivencia wrote:
the reason why Vader/Anakin is trapped in this Black suit is partly because killing people aggresively and unarmed for example in Attack of The Clones, when Anakins mother died of torture by Tusken Raiders, he murdered every single Tusken Raider, not just the men but the unarmed women and children, this was like when the Eli Roth character in Inglorious Basterds beaten an unarmed Nazi sadistically with a cub.
It's fiction, dammit!
By the way, the I.B. only attacked armed Nazi soldiers, not their wives and children.
they even attacked the Nazis when they were disarmed, if you thing beating and scarring Nazis sadistically is good, i think you should watch this Doctor Who episode, it is called the The Doctors Daughter. this could change your mind when you watch this Ruveyn.