Coronation Street: final two episodes of 1983.
Rita Fairclough tries several times to speak to Mrs Proctor, who initially refuses to cooperate. but finally the two women meet. The latter admits to having an affair with Len, and Rita is surprisingly understanding, probably experiencing it as catharsis, closure, or something of the sort.
Jack Duckworth and Fred Gee have a £20 bet on which of their 'racing pigeons' will get back to Weatherfield first from Heaton Park. Jack's bird never arrives, and Fred's dies before it's released. Fred claims the victory, as his bird was first back, albeit in a box.
Bill Gregory, an old flame of Elsie Tanner's from the 1960s, arrives in the Street on a flying visit from Portugal, where he runs a bar. A few days later he will invite Elsie to go back with him, an offer she accepts, thus ending her 23 years on the show.
(in Alf Roberts's shop various people are discussing how they'll welcome in the New Year)
Alf Roberts: "I won't be staying up - it depresses me."
Hilda Ogden: " Oh, won't you be having the telly on? Y'know, all them bagpipes and that little Scottish fellow singing in his kilt?"
Alf: "That's what depresses me."
On a mountain range
I'm Doctor Strange