Big Driver.
Stephen King story of a mystery writer named Tess, who after being invited to speak to her fans at a library, is told about a short cut to get home by Ramona, the woman who had invited her. Taking the back road out to the middle of nowhere, her tire blows out after hitting a board with nails. Soon, what she takes to be a good Samaritan - a gigantic, amiable, well spoken man - stops to help. Too late does she discover that the man is a psychopathic rapist who sexually assaults her, then leaves her for dead in a drainage pipe filled with dead, decaying women. Too fearful of the public accusations of leading on her attacker, Tess is determined to hide what had happened to her, then seek revenge. The terrible realization occurs to her, that this man - who she learns is called "Big Driver" locally - had not just randomly found her, but that the woman, Ramona, who she had trusted, had purposely sent her there. Pretty decent revenge movie.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer