What do we mean by weird here? I find a lot of mainstream movies weird. I find almost all superhero movies incredibly weird. For me it's weird to have to root for a character who has powers beyond a normal human being - I don't get why that's interesting at all. yeah, "powers" - I don't get that. It's compounded by most of them looking like a videogame that someone else is playing - I just can't get invested in that.
But assuming we're talking about weird in a good way, can I add:
Synecdoche, New York - which is so mind bendingly depressing I can only watch it occasionally but still call it one of my favourite movies
Gerry - a Gus Van Sant film starring Matt Damon and Casey Affleck in which almost nothing happens, but a really weird thing happens in that because the film is so uneventful, really small bits of 'action' become like action sequences, properly tense and anxiety inducing.
Gummo - not for everyone, many find it pretentious. Parts of it are pretty grim. But I love the aesthetic, the mixing of video formats and what I found a surprisingly emotional finish.
The world is a big place where things happen almost every day.