Veresae wrote:
Finding Nemo (really, any Pixar movie except The Incredibles...)
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Napoleon Dynamite
40 Year Old Virgin
American Pie
ANY 80'S TEEN MOVIE, including Ferris Beueller's Day Off and Fast Times
The Host
Pan's Labyrinth (I loved it but didn't think it to be the masterpiece many critics were calling it)
Brokeback Mountain (this from someone who loves Ang Lee's movies most of the time)
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the sh**...sorry, Sith
Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
The Bourne trilogy
Some Like it Hot
The Third Man
The Godfather
Rear Window (really anything by Hitchcock...none of it scares me, and I find most of it boring)
The Departed
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Maltese Falcon
Seven Samurai
Batman Begins (good, but the visuals sucked, and the action sucked, and those are what I want most from a superhero movie, especially a Batman movie, which should be a fiesta of gothic-noir visuals. It was still a great movie because of the characters and story, but it lacked what I wanted from a BATMAN movie!)
Tim Burton's Batman (sorry but the best thing about it was Danny Elfman's score. Jack Nicholson was funny as The Joker but he didn't look a thing like the Joker should have--he's too damn round. Joker's a freaky skinny scrawney scary bastard--he's not funny. Michael Keaton actually would have made a better Joker...see Beetlejuice for an example of that! A crappy plot, miscast characters, dated visuals, and awful Prince songs ruined this for me even though I normally love Tim Burton)
Blade Runner
Million Dollar Baby
Kill Bill Vol. 1 (sorry but I don't like excessive gore)
The Big Lebowski (sorry, it just didn't do it for me)
Any of Disney's animated movies (i.e. Little Mermaid, Lion King...sorry but I hate the songs)
Over the Hedge
Some of the classic films above meant a lot to their time or did something new and different, and I can understand that. But many modern films do what they did better now, and they no longer hold up for me. I can't help not liking them.
Are you joking?! Re-Animator?! Have YOU ever seen a zombie head give head? And what about the Campyness? There's no way you can "do it better" no matter what kind of Technology you have. Maybe you just didn't see the point of the Film? Damn that just makes no sense.
I would have to say 300 by the way, even it's crappyness is overrated.
"They do, but what do you think is on the radio? Meat sounds. You know how when you slap or flap meat, it makes a noise? They talk by flapping their meat at each other. They can even sing by squirting air through their meat." - Terry Bisson