Bataar wrote:
It seems that Penny spends a lot more 1 on 1 time with Sheldon than any of the other characters. As the series develops, I wonder if Sheldon will be able to open up and have them form some kind of relationship.
It seems that way to me too.
For some strange reason, I think it could actually work. He was the only one who didn't run to Alicia leaving Penny alone, and they have great chemistry, better than with everyone else, and there's a fairly big Sheldon/Penny fandom out there, it's like they were the destined-to-be canon couple instead of Penny/Leonard.
I think Sheldon is the only one with Asperger's there (maybe Leonard's mom could have it too...), the other three are simply geeks, but even Raj is suave compared to Sheldon.
I wouldn't mind being compared to Sheldon, personally. He's meant to be a caricature, and yet he still displays good traits. There must be reasons why his four friends (the three other guys and Penny) hang out with him after all.
P.S.: It's worth noting that the show was renewed for other 2 seasons, and was moved to air after Two and a Half Men, so it's doing better than expected.