Michael Keaton in essence spoofs himself, playing a middle aged actor, Riggin Thomson, who had once been famous as the superhero, Birdman. Trying to reinvigorate his declining career, he directs, stars in, and writes the screen play for his favorite novel, adapted as a Broadway play. He chooses a famous primaddona actor, Mike Shiner (Edward Norton), as a last minute replacement for a key role, only to discover that the man is insufferable - and worse, Shiner begins carrying on an affair with Riggin's daughter just out of rehab. He tries to keep under raps that his alter ego, the movie character of Birdman, is constantly taunting/advising him, while he himself has the delusions that he has telekinetic powers - but this proves all but impossible as he psychologically disintegrates. When the play seems to be coming together, the theater critic who's review plays live or die on, makes it clear that she intends to destroy his play. Birdman is both Riggin's shame and his greatest acomplishment, and he is pulled whichever way by his his alter ego, which will either save or destroy him.
Not a great feel good movie, but everything good you've heard about this is true.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer