RiffTrax Live: Miami Connection
RiffTrax Live is where Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett, who use to write for and be on Mystery Science Theater 3000 appear on stage and riff a movie in front of a live audience. The performance is broadcast live to theaters all over the country. I've been to several of these, and I always enjoy it.
Miami Connection is about a drug smuggler that gets ripped off by a bunch of motorcycle driving ninjas, whose leader deals with this other guy (name?) whose sister is dating the member of a '80s rock band that also practices Taekwondo and goes to college. So the guy (name?) is SUPER protective of his sister and basically ends up trying to kill his sister's boy friend, and then his band. His ninja friend and his gang of ninja joins the quest to destroy this band. Plus, it turns out the band that the Taekwondo band replaced at the club, also teams up with guy (name?). And I'm not clear if it is everyone in the band, but several are also going to the university. Basically all the bad guys keep getting beaten up by the Taekwondo rock band, and then keep coming back for more. In hindsight, it is a bit like the coyote and the roadrunner.
It was fun and funny.