notbrianna wrote:
Oh, and ping-machine, Mary Sues are, by definition, one-dimensional.
While typically so, there is little to suggest that this HAS to be the case- as in "by definition". That's like, the majority of (typical) sheep are white, therefore sheep are white by definition.
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"Mary Sue" -- or let's not forget Gary Sue, Marty Stu, Mary Stu... and all those others -- is, at his/her essence, a character in a story who (in some way) represents or stands in for the author. Superman and Wesley Crusher are examples! ~not to say that Wesley isn't an annoying prat but just that the category is a lot broader than one might assume on first glance.
So while it is difficult, it is not impossible to find well done examples of Sue/stu who function all right as characters, and there is nothing
in the definition that says they are ALL two dimensional characters, nor that they must be.
Not to discount your argument completely because I believe the same for the most part. Just might be better to take care before saying that something is always the case without exception -- as implied by the assertion "by definition".
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