Anakin Skywalker from the Star Wars saga. All he ever wanted to do was to be loved and accepted and be free. He made bad choices, but it was because he felt that some would not help him. He was a slave all of his life, first to Gardulla the Hutt, then Watto, then the Jedi Council (up to a certain point), and finally to Palpatine. When he knew something was happening to his mother, he tried to tell Obi-Wan about it, but all he could tell Anakin was that "dreams pass in time". And the Jedi Council, Mace Windu especially, always mistrusted Anakin and always pressured him about being The Chosen One. And Palpatine? He played Anakin like a fiddle since day one when he met him, making him feel like he was the only one that he could trust and get help from, which was so far from the truth. He even made him think that his child (children, of course), died with Padme, which wasn't true. If it hadn't have been for Luke, there's no telling how much longer that Anakin would have stayed the way he was. And regarding Padme, the only reason Anakin made a bad choice in choosing the Dark Side was because of Palpatine and because Anakin felt that none of the Jedi would have helped him, which they probably would have.
"Wherever you go, there you are."