AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
Ray Babbitt from Rain Man- Autism
Lisa Simpson from The Simpsons- Aspergers Syndrome or HFA
Mr. Spock from Star Trek- Aspergers Syndrome or HFA
Peter Parker from Spider Man- Aspergers Syndrome
Gollum from The Lord Of The Rings- Tourettes Syndrome, Schiziophernia, or Bipolar Disorder
Dorothy Ann from The Magic School Bus- HFA
I'll add:
Carlos from
The Magic School Bus- Narcissstic Personality Disorder
Arnold from
The Magic School Bus- Aspergers Syndrome
Lady Mary from
Downton Abbey- Narcisstic Personality Disorder
Trixie from
Call The Midwife- Narcisstic Personality Disorder
Bruce Banner from
The Incredible Hulk and
The Avengers- HFA
Agent Fitz from
Harold Finch from
Person Of Interest- HFA
Root from
Person of Interest- PDD NOS
Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!