bonez wrote:
yeah! i do that all the time!! like i was watching some episodes of Freaks and Geeks last night and I got annoyed because the story takes place in 1980, and the one of the teenagers in the movie who was 18 was trying to get a fake id so that he could get in a bar.... but in 1980, the drinking age was 18!! !! !! !! it got me really annoyed..... and this happens everytime i watch a movie....
Yes, I particularly hate anachronisms in movies; they stick out like a sore thumb to me, though other people don´t seem to notice them. I can´t think of many examples at the moment; well, one that I can think of. I notice that whenever I see a movie about ancient Egypt, the pyramids look blank and brown, like they do nowadays; whereas, in the ancient world, they would have been covered in limestone and would have had hieroglyphs and pictures painted on them. But I guess because most people don´t know this, they don´t bother. I think they should research it- if they´re going to make a movie about ancient Egypt, why don´t they bother to research it? Because someone out there will know. I also really hate it when I´m watching a movie about ancient times, like old Jerusalem or something, and the people have modern day haircuts.
Another pet peeve: it´s clear that people want to make their movies "spicy" and "sizzling", and get viewers. Nowadays, it´s common to use sex in movies as a "thriller", and we live in a culture that is somewhat obsessed by sex (I think), especially quick sex, which is acceptable in our culture. So I hate it when I watch a movie from another time period, where quick sex was supposedly looked down upon, and the characters still have sex, because that´s what people like to see NOWADAYS. There were times when the social mores were different, and people who had sex too quickly would have been considered bad marriage material, and would not have been respected. Yet they do it anyway, as if the customs of our time applied to their time. This really bothers me, it´s just so unrealistic. Yes, there are loads of anachronisms in movies, all the time....
"death is the road to awe"