Neuroman wrote:
Belfast wrote:
One person's choices are right for them but may be wrong for someone else. Feel bad for someone having to get surgery because body & mind don't seem to be compatible/of same gender-seems painful both mentally & physically. Don't blame person for that problem, though-wish it were easier for an individual to remedy.
disagree, is not a choice, less so for people whose parents made the decision for them and made the wrong choice.
Oh no, I've obviously mis-stated my position, despite how cautiously I try to word things.
Choice is what to do about situation, such as have surgery as an adult. Not implying that the mis-match between an individual's body & mind is a choice !
Have learned plenty about cases of children wrongly gender re-assigned by the late Dr. John Money, among others. One such story was recently a topic on WP, "As Nature Made Him", story of David Reimer (sp?). I'd heard & seen shows where he talked about how he'd been made a female when a kid (forget if he was hermaphrodite or had incomplete genitalia or was injured) and he identified as male. Was forced to live as a girl by family (per advice of doctor) & wasn't able to be the boy he felt himself to be.
Upset me to find out he recently killed himself. Great injustice was done to him & others who had this done to them under those circumstances.
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*