I like this show a lot. I try to watch this every chance I get. What I like the most in this show is how natural the dialog is. It doesn't sound like it was written on a script, it sounds like the characters are having real down-to-Earth conversations (I know that the first season episodes had loose dialog, but the rest were actually written on a script). I like the episode where McGuirk is getting drunk and having a conversation with the school nurse. Here is the dialog via http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0197159/quotes (Am I allowed to do this? If not, I'll delete this post).
Coach McGuirk: [drunk] You wanna know something? *Anyone* can become a soccer coach. Like, they don't regulate. Like you have to get a degree, right? So you're qualified.
Nurse Kirkman: Yes... I do have a degree.
Coach McGuirk: Yeah, I'm not. You can become coach, of a sport that you don't care about, you don't know how to play, you're not good with kids. But I have had the job for three years. You'd think that they would check up but they don't.
Yes, as you can see I like McGuirk too.