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04 Sep 2009, 7:13 am

I can hardly wait for the new season of Dexter to start. Dexter is my favorite serial killer.



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04 Sep 2009, 7:39 am

ruveyn wrote:
I can hardly wait for the new season of Dexter to start. Dexter is my favorite serial killer.


you have other serial killers that you like?

j/k. I did like the show, though the fact that off screen he is banging his on screen sister is a little weird.

Asperger's Syndrome-diagnosed


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04 Sep 2009, 7:57 am

ruveyn wrote:
I can hardly wait for the new season of Dexter to start. Dexter is my favorite serial killer.


Dexter inner monologue is very aspie like
He fakes social skills like many AS do

Don't fake social skill or u in danger of turning into psychopath 8O


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04 Sep 2009, 9:14 am

nara44 wrote:
Don't fake social skill or u in danger of turning into psychopath 8O

What do you mean exactly ? I'm interested because my current job forces me to fake a lot, pretending to be nice to people I despise from the deep of my heart is very stressing.

Blue Jay
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04 Sep 2009, 11:44 am

I think sociopathy an Asperger have in comon a that there is a lack of empathy involved in both disorders, seeing to the fact that few aspies are full blowen sociopath i would asume that an aspie only oftem fails to notice but a sociopath is some one who notice but fails to care.

I mean you cant really fake a skill, if you do some thing and you are good at it you are skilled, what Dexter is faking are not social skills hes faking feelings. Hes is actullay quite adapt at social skills even if he is mainly working with learned algorythms and by some kind of intuitiv understanding, he also got a good eye for people and there emotionally state.

Intresstingly siblings grown up away from each other oftem feel an sexual attraction to each other, or instintiv dislike for mating with blood relatives is some aquirred aversion against people we spend or childhood with, its called westermark effect.

And to the favorite Killer thing of course you like dexter the series is designed so that you have empathy with him, if you couldnt relate to the main character you wouldnt watch it.

Mine is Hannibal Lecter.


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04 Sep 2009, 12:19 pm

NinjaSquid wrote:
I think sociopathy an Asperger have in comon a that there is a lack of empathy involved in both disorders, seeing to the fact that few aspies are full blowen sociopath i would asume that an aspie only oftem fails to notice but a sociopath is some one who notice but fails to care.

I mean you cant really fake a skill, if you do some thing and you are good at it you are skilled, what Dexter is faking are not social skills hes faking feelings. Hes is actullay quite adapt at social skills even if he is mainly working with learned algorithms and by some kind of intuitiv understanding, he also got a good eye for people and there emotionally state.

aspies have trouble in faking feeling because contrary to common and professional views they have lots of empathy
"social skills" are expression of a certain level of empathy(if u look at society at large u might conclude that this level is quit low)
aspies,unlike sociopath,have trouble in acquiring social skills because unlike NT they really care
they are too empathic
i totally agree with you
sociopath or psychopath like Dexter have no problem in getting the necessary skills because they don't really care
We (I) love and forgive Dexter because he spent too much time with his chainsawed mother :( and his has a very good eye for people and in his own way he is also very unpretentious and sweet and live by a strict if somewhat peculier moral code
he is as good as seriall killer can be

still, i think he is very aspie like in many ways
getting by learned algorithms is something i used to do a lot
when i first saw Dexter it reminded me if a documentary i saw about way the image of the homosexuals evolved over the years in Hollywood
they too have started as diabolic maniacs and slowly evolved to the nice friendly type we see now in movies
perhaps the image of the aspie has to travel the same road in the media before people can accept us as we are


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04 Sep 2009, 5:26 pm

NinjaSquid wrote:
I think sociopathy an Asperger have in comon a that there is a lack of empathy involved in both disorders, seeing to the fact that few aspies are full blowen sociopath i would asume that an aspie only oftem fails to notice but a sociopath is some one who notice but fails to care.

I mean you cant really fake a skill, if you do some thing and you are good at it you are skilled, what Dexter is faking are not social skills hes faking feelings. Hes is actullay quite adapt at social skills even if he is mainly working with learned algorythms and by some kind of intuitiv understanding, he also got a good eye for people and there emotionally state.

Intresstingly siblings grown up away from each other oftem feel an sexual attraction to each other, or instintiv dislike for mating with blood relatives is some aquirred aversion against people we spend or childhood with, its called westermark effect.

And to the favorite Killer thing of course you like dexter the series is designed so that you have empathy with him, if you couldnt relate to the main character you wouldnt watch it.

Mine is Hannibal Lecter.

You're confonding "empathy" and "sympathy":

Empathy is the decoding of the emotions and the intentions, it's what aspies lack.

Sympathy is caring about others, it's what sociopath lack.

Sociopaths don't lack emapthy and they use it to manipulates others. Contrary to us aspies, sociopaths don't have difficulty to integrate themselfs in groups as they are quite charismatics and lies using what they decoding from peoples.

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04 Sep 2009, 6:22 pm

NinjaSquid wrote:
I think sociopathy an Asperger have in comon a that there is a lack of empathy involved in both disorders, seeing to the fact that few aspies are full blowen sociopath i would asume that an aspie only oftem fails to notice but a sociopath is some one who notice but fails to care.

I mean you cant really fake a skill, if you do some thing and you are good at it you are skilled, what Dexter is faking are not social skills hes faking feelings. Hes is actullay quite adapt at social skills even if he is mainly working with learned algorythms and by some kind of intuitiv understanding, he also got a good eye for people and there emotionally state.

Intresstingly siblings grown up away from each other oftem feel an sexual attraction to each other, or instintiv dislike for mating with blood relatives is some aquirred aversion against people we spend or childhood with, its called westermark effect.

And to the favorite Killer thing of course you like dexter the series is designed so that you have empathy with him, if you couldnt relate to the main character you wouldnt watch it.

Mine is Hannibal Lecter.

You're confonding "empathy" and "sympathy":

Empathy is the decoding of the emotions and the intentions, it's what aspies lack.

Sympathy is caring about others, it's what sociopath lack.

Sociopaths don't lack emapthy and they use it to manipulates others. Contrary to us aspies, sociopaths don't have difficulty to integrate themselfs in groups as they are quite charismatics and lies using what they decoding from peoples.[/quote]

Your right in my native tounge Sympahty has a slight other meaning, it means affetion. Empathy is the ability to read others feeling so as the attribute to care about others feeling.

But basicly you say what i said, sociopath dont care about others feelings, aspies aint able do deciper them as good as normal people.

By no means i wanted to say that aspies are some kind of emotionally crippled as sociopaths definitivily are.

Iam primarily posting here because i find asperger interresting, i read about it and i figured out that the only way to get a real understanding of it would be seeing or at least chatting with people who are actually suffering or better living with it.

If this is kinda insulting form of voyeurism for somebody I apologise.

What actually was my point is that Dexter is defacto not faking social skills, he has them and that on a high level, because he is able to faking a normal personality despite of his obviosly quite inhuman nature.

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05 Nov 2009, 9:58 am

I'm addicted to this show. He is alot like me hahah. I'm just about to finish season 2.

Tufted Titmouse
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05 Nov 2009, 10:14 pm

Unfortunately I am head over heels in love with Sylar, so Dexter comes second for me in my serial killer loves. But only just! I adore him.

It's kind of scary how very much he reminds me of myself though. Actually, I find that with Sylar too. I don't think I'll be mentioning that to the psychologist...!

I'd rather see the World from another angle...


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06 Nov 2009, 3:52 pm

One ting is clear, Dexter is not a psychopath, psychopaths are "The nicest peiple on earth", as told by others around them, Dexter is serious around other people, so he is either a sociopath or he is just psychotic


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06 Nov 2009, 10:10 pm

I got seasons 1-3 on DVD a couple of months ago and watched all of the episodes... I like the show a lot! :)

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01 Jan 2010, 5:34 pm

It's weird, because I'm almost a mirror image of Dexter and my sister is almost a mirror image of Debra. I'm like Dexter in that I'm a great judge of character, and I have finely tuned senses. I fake a lot of human emotions, although some of them I don't have to fake. Women are oddly attracted to me, and I'm very intelligent. I am not very neat though, and I don't kill people. My sister is like Debra in every way, except Debra is a little more mature. She has problems with men, and she is very capable, but she is the only one who doesn't realize that. She keeps getting in her own way. My sister is foul-mouthed and very sexual in nature with men, and is prone to physical violence. And she dated a sociopath to boot. We don't adore our father though. Our father is like Doakes LOL


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01 Jan 2010, 10:35 pm

I kinda like that show.

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-Thomas Jefferson

Adopted mother to a cat named Charlotte, and grandmother to 3 kittens.


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07 Jan 2010, 2:30 pm

I love it! I can't wait for season 4 to come out on DVD.


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14 May 2010, 6:12 pm

I just recently started watching it and I'm loving this show.

But the season 4 finale left me conflicted. I like the way they brought certain things full circle, but I'm not happy with the sacrifices they had to make. Still, can't wait for next season!

PS: sorry about bumping several old threads, but I had some time on my hands...