1. The whole lost in space thing has been done many times before so that is a good point.
2. Battlestar Galactica is about a group of humans who set out with the intent to find a new home on Earth, how exactly this ties in with SGU is beyond me :S have you watched either series? or is it just that they both feature spaceships travelling over long distances?
3. Stargate Atlantis was cancelled far to early I agree!
4. I agree that it would be great to see alot of the more creative and original sci fi ideas being used for television shows. but hey, who can say that we will or wont see such creativity in later storylines within the series?
5. colours were fine and picture was pretty sharp (watched it in HD), granted some parts were dark, but hey they didn't exactly get stranded on Barbados you know? its a crumbling spaceship in need of more that a few repairs, if the life supports not working well what makes you think the lights are gonna be all that? The camera wasn't shaking either. dunno where you watched it but if I was I'd stop and watch it somewhere else.
5. the soldier your talking about was in a cell for a reason, pay attention.
6. why do you need a warning for a flashback? it should be pretty obvious its a flashback, was for me anyway. it would be pretty lame if they kept stopping the show to put up a warning message every time there's a flashback..
7. the five second sex scene where you don't really see anything? yeah, that was pretty traumatising alright
8. light heartedness? they just got stranded on a ancient ship with failing life support in a distant corner of the universe after evacuating a planet that was utterly destroyed and they have no means of returning to earth and your wondering why their not happy? the creators have said many time in the past year that the show would have a more serious edge to it so you should of expected that. im sure it will still have many of stragates light hearted humour in it (in fact its been guaranteed by the creators) but it was obvious to anyone who watched the show that these first two episodes wernt the place for it. I for one as a stargate fan am quite interested in this approach as stargate as an exceptionally good record with character relationships and building and im looking forward to see how well they do with this situation.