Anyone have their own idea for an autie/aspie film?

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27 Jan 2010, 5:15 pm

I recently came up one about an boy who, on his sixteenth birthday, is told by his "parents" that he was adopted. This revelation shocks him so much that he goes into a deep depression, and becomes incapable of showing love, not to his friends, his lover or "the liars". They, too, have been affected, their marriage slowly coming apart at the seams. But there is hope, in the form of the boy's biological mother, who happens to be autistic. *Despite her inability to thoroughly express her thoughts in words, she is incredibly insightful, and helps the boy rediscover compassion and the value of life.

I know, it's REALLY sentimental, but it's the best I've got.

*Cue the Forrest Gump theme.

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27 Jan 2010, 7:28 pm

I was thinking of a film that a male Aspie that everybody bullies and nobody likes at his high school until there is a hostage crisis at the school and the hostage taker is in an open area were the Aspie becomes the hero when he escapes from the school and borrows a police car that is there and disables the airbags rigs it up so he can drive on the floor so he can't be seen and hits the hostage taker with the car and hurts the hostage taker badly and in the end everybody likes him and stops bullying him.

In another film there would be a school shooter and the school shooter was bullied by everybody but this male Aspie how has been really nice to him and the Aspie realized what the shooter was going to do and told him don't shoot because I really care about you and like you and talks him out of it and into getting help with his emotions and getting him somebody to talk to.

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27 Jan 2010, 8:35 pm

I thought of doing one that's based off of my children's book.


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27 Jan 2010, 8:39 pm

I would definitely read that story. It sounds very real and very interesting.


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27 Jan 2010, 9:21 pm

A pair of identical Aspie twins, get even against abusive parents.
Call this "Rain Man" crossed with any revenge movie.
The parents don't accept the fact they were raising
Aspie children, let alone identical twins.
The parents have been horrible to them
since their kids were diagnosed.
No one believes the twins because
their parents have "connections" at their places of employment.

This is an idea for a sequel/prequel to my story I wrote in 2006.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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31 Jan 2010, 2:00 am

Not a film but I'm developing an idea for a science fiction novel where the four main characters are spectrumites.

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31 Jan 2010, 3:57 am

I wrote a feature film script in 2005 about an Aspie called 'Synchronism'. It got a bit of notice but I could never sell it. However a TV show had an episode that paralleled the plot after I wrote it and so now it's shelved.


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31 Jan 2010, 5:32 pm

I've been writing a story on my computer mostly set in a youth club for young people with AS/autism. And there are a group of 4 friends in the club, 3 aspies and one with mild autsim, anyway 2 of the aspies, a boy and a girl called karen and richard have been close friends since they were 12 and now they're 17 and for years there has been chemistry between them. There are also 2 other main characters who sort of act as antagonists because they are karen's enemies as it were and one of them, a boy called Cameron, is very elitist and thinks the "aspergians" as he calls them are the next step in evolution and all that bullcrap and his friend who's a girl follows him around anywhere and he bosses her around and stuff. That's the background, now here's the plot:
The youth club go on a seaside trip for a week (I'm thinking somewhere in south wales) and one day richard and karen end up admiting their feelings for eachother and that night end up losing their virginity together. Their friend Andy is really jealous because he likes Karen but that's only a small part of it. So skip a couple of months and Karen finds out she's pregnant and there's aload of drama over whether Richard would be a good dad and karen's mum underestimates him because he's very severe compared to karen. And they're worried about them passing on the autism genes to the baby and there's a big argument where Cameron and Andy both have different views, Andy is very negative about the possibility and says that it would be a very bad thing for the baby if it's austistic and Cameron thinks it's good because they could be the next einstein or whatever. (spoiler: the child ends up being a severe aspie in the end)
There's smaller subplots about karen finding an old diary from when she was 10 and Andy getting beaten up alot by a gang of yobs that live near him.

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05 Feb 2010, 3:57 am

I think someone who is on the spectrum should be cast in the role of someone on the spectrum.


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05 Feb 2010, 11:22 am

I've long wanted to see a story about someone who is very Aspie, isn't self aware of it, and their struggles to get through their life. This is based on a mate who is obsessive about collecting R & B vinyl records (has over a thousand), has no idea he's Aspie, never been married (in his fifties), and works as a cleaner of office buildings at night because he finds it so difficult to interact with people. He's a nice enough chap, but as far as most people would judge, a very sad human being. But he's not morose, and accepts that he's different than most people.

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