Who has seen this movie? I've only now seen it though the film is a decade old, and I think it is a fairly well done movie.
In summary, in over a half millennia of space colonization, first by the Pilgrims who after a while thought they were a master race and waged a war with the Terran Confederation, an alien race was stumbled upon. These aliens, the Kilrathi, do not wish to coexist with any other intelligent life, so after all diplomatic options are exhausted, the Terran Confederation and the Kilrathi are formally at war.
The Terran Confederation invented a navigation computer, NavCom, which allows for long range jumps, and one of these in the Vega sector was stolen by the Kilrathi. Now, it is a race against time to get the bulk of the Terran navy back to Earth before the Kilrathi navy arrive.