Star Trek V: the Final Frontier
A lot of people bash this movie.
to be fair, they also bash the 1st movie, which I thought was fantastic.
They seem to mostly bash this movie due to the whole thing about God.
I keep wondering it because the movie implies challenging the idea of the belief in God, or that Spock's relatives were blindly following, only for it to get them in trouble, or....what is the reason people hate this movie?
Ah, the curse of the odd numbered movie.
I thought V was bad. Mostly, as a Trek fan, they just did so many things that was totally lame. Utility corridors you could walk down two abrest? Turbolift shafts 70+ floors high (that class of starship had no more than 15 decks)? Brig located where it was (Paramount ignored their own freaking blueprints for the ship that they published)?
And, well, the plot was lame. A ship practically falling apart when it's fresh out of space dock (it should explode if it was that badly constructed)? The search for God was interesting, but it was just lacking something to make you want to watch it.
The first Star Trek was lame in many ways, but as the first movie, it did pretty well. Compared to later movies (like Wrath of Kahn) it had a somewhat lame storyline by comparison.

I thought V was bad. Mostly, as a Trek fan, they just did so many things that was totally lame. Utility corridors you could walk down two abrest? Turbolift shafts 70+ floors high (that class of starship had no more than 15 decks)? Brig located where it was (Paramount ignored their own freaking blueprints for the ship that they published)?
And, well, the plot was lame. A ship practically falling apart when it's fresh out of space dock (it should explode if it was that badly constructed)? The search for God was interesting, but it was just lacking something to make you want to watch it.
The first Star Trek was lame in many ways, but as the first movie, it did pretty well. Compared to later movies (like Wrath of Kahn) it had a somewhat lame storyline by comparison.
Well I thank you for explaining it a bit more thoroughly, though--and yer gonna hate me for this--I didn't like Wrath of Khan. I thought it was totally overhyped to be something it wasn't....though I did like the ending.
The first one was surreptitiously known as 'Star Trek: The motionless picture"...
Paying 55 million to have 3 actors descend to 'Row your boat' medleys was torture enough... (ST V)
and what does God need with a spaceship?...
Still, at least it made Star Trek Insurrection not the worst one ever... or even Nemesis
anahl nathrak, uth vas bethude, doth yel dyenvey...
1. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
2. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
3. Star Trek: The Motion Picture
4. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
5. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
6. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Each movie had it's ups and downs.
Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Incredible since it was the first and fans were eager for it, but the story was lame (granted, no worse than several TOS episodes). An accomplishment for its time.
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn. Better on many levels, but several plot holes and consistency issues (Chekhov never met Kahn....episode was before he was introduced to the series). Who can forget "KAHN!" being screamed by Kirk echoing into space?

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. Blatantly written to put Spock back into the story. They killed Spock off in STII because Nimoy wanted out. They offered to let him direct in order to get him back in, and the whole movie was done to get him back in. I thought the special effects were pretty good, but change in actors (Savik) really blew chunks.
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Save the whales?

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. A broken ship goes in search of God. A ton of technical oversights in the story line, but we got to see Uhura dance naked (largely in silhouette).
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Mixed feelings. Another ton of technical oversights (Galaxy class starship warp core suite in a Constitution-refit class starship

Star Trek (VII): Generations. Kirk gets the big kiss off.

Star Trek (VIII): Insurrection. Biggest flaw is that most of the story happens planet side. A nice change of pace, but a bit dull for those who like space-based drama. Lots of lame jokes (although a couple were funny). The Enterprise operated by joystick? Other technical oversights. Data as a life preserver?
Star Trek (IX): Nemesis. Awesome movie if you like space battles. Technical oversights...minimal. Sadly predictable. Much like Wrath of Kahn in its ending. Odd since it was written by a Trek fan who somehow missed the glaring parallel of the ending. The special features indicate that it was a toss up between killing off Picard or Data. Since Data never ages, killing off the character made more sense because the actor was getting too old to keep hiding his age with makeup. I think killing off Picard would have been more innovative. Since there have been no more movies, I think they could have made a different choice with no problems. To be fair, every NG movie was largely focused on Data in some way or another.
Star Trek (VIII): Insurrection is the worst of the TNG movies in my opinion. It should have been about the Enterprise-E fighting in the Dominion War. They didn't want it to be about that so the movie had to take place hidden in that area of space called "The briar patch".
"Star Trek (X): Nemesis" is my favorite movie with the TNG crew.
The first was too long and almost nothing happened until the end... it was mostly to introduce the series, appeal to fans, and show off some cool new special effects.
The fifth did explore meaningful themes about God, but it felt understated and light, and the movie went by too quickly without enough actually happening.
Star Trek Insurrection had a similar problem, although I liked it better because (other than feeling like an extended filler episode) it actually had a good bit more character development and was actually pretty fun to watch.
Star Trek Nemesis wasn't that great because the screenwriters started pulling things out of thin air that didn't tie into established canon at all and made no sense in the context of the Star Trek universe (as opposed to some of the better films like Star Trek II and Star Trek V, which tied together neatly with the established history of the series)
The new Star Trek movie was all right too, but a little forgettable and I thought it was kind of overrated, but maybe that's just speaking as a fan of earlier incarnations of Star Trek.

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I like all the star trek films, I think if anything though, there once I'd rate the least are the ones that move slower.
I'd go
1. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 88%
2. Star Trek: First Contact - 84%
3. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 83%
4. Star Trek XI - 80%
5. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 76%
6. Star Trek III: The Search For Spock - 75%
7. Star Trek: Generations - 74%
8. Star Trek: Insurrection - 74%
9. Star Trek: Nemesis - 70%
10. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - 68%
11. Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 66%
Here in Australia, Channel 7 in the early nineties used to show 3 star trek films back to back on a saturday. I've seen these films far too many times.
I really liked ST:TMP, ST:II, ST:V and ST:VI. It's hard for me to decide which one I like best because I enjoy them all in different ways, but if I had to choose I would say that Wrath of Khan is the best thing the Star Trek franchise ever has, or ever will put out.
III and IV are almost unbearable to watch. I haven't seen them in years, and I honestly don't know if I'd want to watch them again unless forced to do so. These are the two Nimoy films, could that be the reason I dislike them?
ST:III was basically one big excuse to bring back Spock. Sometimes I just wish they would have stopped making trek movies after the second film. Both the story and the budget for this film were terrible. Killing Spock in the first movie was one thing, but then destroying the Enterprise in this film was just plain insulting. The only thing in this film that didn't suck was Christopher Lloyd.
ST:IV was just one big advertisement about saving the whales. Was this even star trek? No Enterprise, no uniforms, not even one lousy Klingon. Sure, it was amusing at times, but not nearly as amusing as ST:V.
The Shat clearly knew how to make an entertaining trek film, and it pisses me off bigtime that the studio denied his request for a director's cut of the film. The rock man scene would have been pretty awesome (especially if he were made from styrofoam rocks). Check out this list of things that make ST:V great:
-Finally we have the Enterprise back
-Rocket boots
-Spocks evil half brother
-Hot Romulan and Klingon babes
-Uhura's naked dance (even if it is disgusting)
-Busting a shuttle in through the bay doors
-A big talking head at the center of the galaxy
Thing is, a lot of people just don't "get" Star Trek: The Motion Picture. People who were expecting Star Wars should go watch Star Wars.
The Motion Picture was a lot more comparable to 2001 A Space Odyssey and in that respect it was a good sci-fi movie; hardcore sci-fi as in makes you think more than entertains. That's why a lot of people don't get it. Don't go in expecting an action movie, you will get disappointed.
Now Star Trek V... It wasn't a bad idea, it just wasn't managed well. It was serious drop in directorial experience from the previous movies. A lot of this movie felt too gimmicky and most of it I couldn't take seriously. A planet at the center of the galaxy with a omnipotent spirit alien. Something like that requires a heck of a lot more plausible explanation than was provided in the movie. Also that scene in the Enterprise's turbo lift shaft... Sorry if I sound like a dork, but that scene was impossible if they had idea of how many decks the ship really had. They went way over what was physically in the ship and it destroyed the realism. Again, bad direction and makers not paying attention to details.
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Beacause of the sucess of Star Trek IV The Voyage Home they decided to give a little humour to V but it didn't work. That scene where Scotty hit his head and fell down that was totally losing the point and the crew being brainwashed, did they go back to normal when Zybok died. Also the film was mostly focusing on the chemistry between the 3 main characters Kirk, Spock and Bones which was OK but everything else just ruined the film.
My list best to worst Star Trek movies starting with TOS then TNG
Star Trek TOS
1. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
2, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
3. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
4. Star Trek: The Motion Picture
6. Star Trek III: The Search For Spock
7. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Star Trek TNG
1. Star Trek (VI): First Contact
2. Star Trek (VII): Generations
3. Star Trek (IX): Nemesis
4. Star Trek (VIII): Insurrection
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