I liked it. It's nice that it shows kids from all across the spectrum. Some of the parents were extremely annoying with all of their drama, though. I still don't quite understand this thing i keep hearing people say about marriages breaking up "because of their child's autism." It just seems like a horrible way to blame their child for their own problems. I'm sure a lot of autistic kids really stress their parents out, but if that it going to break up a marriage then they already had some issues in the first place. All some of the parents seemed to talk about is how taking care of their autistic kid is ruining their life.. I think the lady who was organizing the whole thing was very inspirational, though. Her son seemed to be the most severely affected of the kids they followed, yet she was more positive than a lot of the parents i was speaking of. She actually went out and tried to help kids with autism, rather than just complaining, and was going on with her life with her autistic son. I liked the part where her and her fiancee were having dinner with family and one of the old guys said that he'd feel better about the marriage if "the boy would be a good boy," and he immediately said "he IS a good boy!" Henry's(the aspie kid) parents seemed pretty cool and positive about things.. I like how his dad even said that he could see some of it in himself.