gbollard wrote:
irishwhistle wrote:
I'm torn as to Natalie Portman.....
....and why didn't Obi-Wan just wave his hand over her head and convince her she had the will to live? But, I digress.
Good point, though I think that only works on the weak minded.
I usually try to explain away the probematic star wars relationships as;
1. They were from different cultures which you can't compare to ours.
2. Neither had been allowed to grow up properly. Imagine how a boy raised by monks would behave if he met a girl he had the hots for as a child. The same goes for the daughter of an "all work and no play" workaholic, overachiever family who never had time for proper adolescent socialisation.
3. I think they were both very good actors but forced to work to George Lucas's vision. He obviously had his reasons for the way their romance was conducted. Perhaps to get it down to the level of the under 12 y.o. children who were watching? Perhaps for running time reasons? Perhaps because he felt they needed to act "over-sheltered".
(and yes, I'm digressing too - sorry... it was just an interesting idea and I couldn't help it).
Ah, the weak-minded. I do recall hearing that phrase somewhere in regards to the matter. That resolves the question.
And I am totally open to blaming George Lucas for turning to deadwood most of the performances in the prequel films. He seemed to have an energy with the first three that showed within the film, and less of a penchant for visual exposition, yet somehow got the story told and told well in the older movies. With the newer, I was often lost. I almost wonder if the whole world that had developed in books since then overcomplicated the storytelling. In any case, I am not inclined to give him credit for having a good reason for some of the things he did. There's no excuse for the bug wrestling scene.
But I guess we'd better stop hijacking the thread...
"Pack up my head, I'm goin' to Paris!" - P.W.
The world loves diversity... as long as it's pretty, makes them look smart and doesn't put them out in any way.
There's the road, and the road less traveled, and then there's MY road.