coregazer, Magneto could be looked at as being both good & bad depending upon the scenario as, he did try to alter people in the first film, with the belief if everyone was a mutant that all people would have a greater understanding yet, such actions could be seen as destructive therefore, that would be his evil side. In the 2nd and 3rd films, though he tried to show the dark-side of humanity by pointing out it's reluctance to accept mutants as well, trying to impose the all-so wonderful cure down many a mutant's throat's symbolically speaking wherein, he might be looked at as some sort of civil rights fighter of sorts just, tended to go about it in a more militant manner, this could be seen as his good side.Anyways, Magneto himself once had been the adminstrator of Professor X's school in the comic series so, hes' not totally bad but, not totally good either more somewhere in the middle you could say..