Comkeen wrote:
I saw it and I loved it. I certainly understood what the Guy Fawkes character was all about but I'm confused what the British think of him. There is a Guy Fawkes day where they burn an effigy of him, but he is also voted into the top 100 greatest Britains list (from Wikipedia). Can someone clearify Britain's love/hate relationship of Guy Fawkes with me?
Opinions on Guy Fawkes are pretty much split down the middle, since because we know pretty much nothing about his end goals apart from freeing Catholics from Protestant oppression (which was a valid cause, British spirituality was VERY fundamentalist right up until, actually, relatively recent, and Catholics in his time were burnt at the stake), we dont know whether his goverment would have done the same to Protestants or not, we dont know what the nature of the goverment he would have set up would have been, pretty much the only thing we have to go on is the fact that he tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Those people who think civil military action against the powers that be is never justified hate his guts, those who keep more of an open mind (guess what) keep more of an open mind. Personally, Im in the second group, we know nout about him, so we cant really judge him.
The burning is pretty much just a culural tradition, as far as I can tell, with no real meaning in this day and age. If anyone DOES think of it as symbolic (or literal), then I fear for the future of our country even more than I already do.
Chronicles of the Universe: Sons of Earth Volume 1 - Bounty Hunter now at 98 pages! Ill update this sig when it gets published.
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